Sunday, March 1, 2015


The picture above kinda says it all doesn't it?

It pretty much sums up how I am feeling right about now. I got on the scale yesterday morning and AGAIN no change. I don't understand it. I have been exercising, drinking my water, watching my food intake and not one pound shed in over a week. I know I know, baby steps, don't lose sight of the big picture, it will come off yada yada yada. I have been telling myself all those encouraging affirmations this week but its very hard not to just chuck the scale in the garbage and give up. I should be happy that I lost 4 pounds this week and that I am improving my diet. But I'm not happy because I feel like I should have lost at least one more pound this month. Why am I being so hard on myself and not celebrating my success?  I know it didn't take a few months to put all this weight on so why am I obsessed with it just falling off? Grrr so frustrating!
If anyone out there that is reading this has any encouragment or been there done that stories, please comment down below and give me a sign that I need to keep pushing on. I mean I'm not giving up, thats stupid but I just feel so angry at myself right now. I'd love to hear from someone.

1 comment:

  1. I checked that blog post 3 or 4 times before I posted and NOW I catch a typo. I lost 4 lbs in a month (February) not a week like the one sentence says. Excuse the typo
