Saturday, March 21, 2015

Gettin On the Resistance Band Bandwagon

474187c054aca7b7f332cbf1c0d91dde50625c1bf4a8744cb1 Today's post is about resistance bands, mainly because I'm going to be reviewing a set on my other blog Rotties Reviews ( Sorry for the shameless plug snuck in there but you gotta try.

So, Im getting these bands from Urban Fit, and to be honest, I had to google what they are for and what they do. I have learned that they basically are used for strength training and to tone your muscles. I have been doing all cardio since I started this journey to get fit and decided to give these a whirl just to mix it up a little bit. I have heard before that its good to change it up between cardio and strength training and after googling resistance band exercises I feel like these may be something I can do. I found a site which I am going to list here in a second, that has 6 different exercises using resistance bands. When  you google "resistance band exercises" there are a plethora of YouTube videos and the like. All of them very fit looking muscular people doing  these incredible exercises. I'm looking at these people that look like they go to the gym 5 to 7 days a week and thinking "Who are you kidding?" Seriously they need to show some of us fat people doing beginner exercises so we can be motivated. Hmmmm maybe I see a YouTube video star in myself in the future lol.

I found this one site that does look like something I can attempt. Of course I'm going to hide in my bedroom with the door shut the few times first so no one can see me. I look like a fool enough on my own when I trip over my two feet. I can just imagine letting go of one of these bands and having it snap back and hit me in the butt or worse. I'll injure my pride in private thank you very much. When I get the bands and test them out, I'll give you all my review and let you know if its something you should try. I was thinking of getting a couple of 5lb dumbells but I think this might be easier and definitely more portable. I can pack these in my suitcase when I go on trips like that big wedding I'm heading to in June.

Anyway thats my informative post for today, but I will be blogging again tomorrow as it is weigh in day. Im excited to see how I'm doing as I started supplements and a (ICK) colon clease. Boyyyyy does THAT work hahahaha. I will leave you with that  happy little visual.


Sunday, March 15, 2015

Haven't posted in over a week

I'm sure not many are really following this anyway but I felt like I should at least do a check in for those that actually are. I'm here, I'm still doing this, I have not given up. Just wanted to put that out there in case anyone thought that is why I have been MIA.

Truth is, there isn't that much to report so I've been quiet. The last post I made was about not trusting the old scale I had been, and I have to say that I was absolutely correct. Next time I got on it, it weighed me back at the weight before the loss so I had to take back those four pounds I had thought and hoped I lost. So I now need to save up some cash to get a nice digital one that doesn't lie and give me false hope lol.

But,... In the 11 days that I have been absent from the blogging scene, I have lost those four pounds! I'm certain of it. The scale has been consistent the last four weigh ins and has not fluctuated. I take that as I am back to a nine pound loss. The big thing though is I realize how poorly I was eating before. Before I started this journey, I thought I was eating ok. Not the best because I knew I had been steadily gaining weight but not bad either. Now though, I know I was eating A LOT of fat, most likely saturated fat, salt, and just junk. More than once a week my lunch would be not one but two hot pockets, and two bags of chips! Or 2 packages of Top Ramen with cheese or egg and meat in it. Breakfast was the normal omelet I eat now on every other day but those other days the cereal I had was not one serving, it was closer to three. So I probably was consuming upwards of 2500 calories a day.

Measuring and the MyFitnessPal app have been my lifesavers. I realize now how much I over indulged and what exactly a serving is. I read labels, I measure and I make calculated decisions as to what I am going to eat that day. Also I realize now how important even a small amount of exercise is. Walking at a leisurely pace for half an hour burns about 150 calories. That's a cup of low fat yogurt and a piece of fruit or a bowl of cereal. More exercise burns more calories so if I want to over indulge occasionally I know I need to step the exercise game up a little to compensate. If I don't, I know I am going to go over my caloric goal for the day and sometimes I just do that. I try not to make it a habit of over indulging but when I do, I don't guilt myself anymore like I used to.

I feel better about myself. I feel like I am moving in a positive direction even if the scale doesn't drop dramatically or even at all. I have started making healthy decisions and to be honest, its not that hard. I don't feel deprived or like I'm missing something. I have upped my fruits and veggies, I have eliminated the chips and the hot pockets and the junk food. I have also cut my sherbet by two thirds. I had half a cup the other day and it was just way too sweet for me. I love my sherbet I always have but I can't eat the sweet anymore. A cup of Yoplait light in the evening is much more satisfying these days. Who would think I would ever think that way?

So, in conclusion, its not depriving yourself or making huge drops on the scale. Its changing old habits and developing new healthier ones. Once you can do that, the weight will fall off on its own. Don't get discouraged and don't beat yourself up because you gave in and ate that piece of chocolate or that slice of pie. Celebrate the little victories each day and keep moving forward. We will all get there in time.


Tuesday, March 3, 2015

Not holding my breath but I think the dam broke finally

Im flying pretty high this morning. I actually jumped off and on the scale 4 times to make sure the reading didn't change! Looks like I have dropped an amazing 5 lbs since the last weigh in. I still am not sure if the scale is right but I figure next weigh in, if its the same or lower then yes it is and I really finally broke that plateau.

 Pretty amazing feeling because that means a total of 9 pounds since I started this on the 28th of January. I mean in the sense of long term its nothing, I have such a long way to go but I'm not measuring the long run. I'm taking this one day at a time so in that respect this is pretty damn good. If I keep this up, I will be able to get back into those jeans that are stuffed in the bottom of my drawer and then maybe even the ones in the closet that I haven't even looked at in 2 years. Today's weigh in has given me hope again and given me back my drive and motivation to stick with it.

 Next weigh in is on Saturday so we will know for sure then. I have to fight the urge not to jump on the scale every time I go into the bathroom between now and Sunday but I can do it. Thinking of trying some of those protein drinks and appetite supression pills to help but I'm kind of on the fence. I want to do this right, by eating right and exercising but that other stuff is awfully tempting. I guess I will play it by ear and take it one step at a time. 


Sunday, March 1, 2015


The picture above kinda says it all doesn't it?

It pretty much sums up how I am feeling right about now. I got on the scale yesterday morning and AGAIN no change. I don't understand it. I have been exercising, drinking my water, watching my food intake and not one pound shed in over a week. I know I know, baby steps, don't lose sight of the big picture, it will come off yada yada yada. I have been telling myself all those encouraging affirmations this week but its very hard not to just chuck the scale in the garbage and give up. I should be happy that I lost 4 pounds this week and that I am improving my diet. But I'm not happy because I feel like I should have lost at least one more pound this month. Why am I being so hard on myself and not celebrating my success?  I know it didn't take a few months to put all this weight on so why am I obsessed with it just falling off? Grrr so frustrating!
If anyone out there that is reading this has any encouragment or been there done that stories, please comment down below and give me a sign that I need to keep pushing on. I mean I'm not giving up, thats stupid but I just feel so angry at myself right now. I'd love to hear from someone.