Friday, May 6, 2016

Been very stagnant lately

I haven't shared in a while so I guess its time to bite the bullet and be honest. Putting it out here makes it real and makes me face facts. I HAVE BEEN BACK SLIDING! I haven't gained anything and I attribute that to the fact that I am working and on my feet moving 8 hours a shift, but my eating habits have become a bit atrocious.

I work at CVS Pharmacy and I am subject to a lot of temptation. There are cookies, and candy, and chips and all sorts of evils. At first I was pretty good at avoiding them and sticking to my plan, but once I achieved that 50 lbs goal, I gave myself a little permission to have a few indulgences. Well to be honest, I have been indulging since January and it is time to stop. My goal of reaching 25lbs by July is not going to happen as I didn't lose anything. Right now, I am at 221.8 lbs. Actually I am shocked that it is as light as it is. I was certain I was going to be around 225 or more. I have stopped eating the high protein yogurts and have been eating crap like Bugels, pretzels, and Pringles...damn you salt cravings!

Today I got on the scale, the first time since March, and decided ENOUGH! No more backsliding and no more indulging on junk. I am getting back to being healthy because I was liking how I felt dang it. I felt like I was achieving something and heading down the road to better health. Lately I have been feeling tired and depressed and I am sure that my bad eating has attributed to some of these feelings. So, I am going forward full steam. Back to weighing myself at least weekly, and getting back to good fats, proteins, and veggies. I hope to have a better report for you soon.

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